
Last updated

December 9, 2022

To support the delivery of our Services, eqtble may engage and use data processors, subcontractors or content delivery networks with access to or potentially have access to customer data (each, a “Subprocessor”). This page provides important information about the identity, location, and role of each Subprocessor.

We publish our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service on our website.

Engaging Subprocessors

Prior to engaging any Third-Party subprocessor, eqtble uses a commercially reasonable selection process to ensure any Subprocessor we use meets our requirements for security, privacy, and confidentiality. We review all Subprocessors regularly to ensure they still meet the original requirements and any additional requirements that may have arisen.

Infrastructure Subprocessors

eqtble uses infrastructure and storage services from Third-Party infrastructure providers to store Customer Data or provide additional services as needed to help with the delivery of our Services. Data storage and eqtble-controlled processing will normally remain in one region but may be shifted among data centers within a region to ensure performance and availability.

eqtble may use the following Subprocessors for Infrastructure Services:

Entity Name


Entity Country

Google, Inc.

Eqtble uses Google’s GSuite for email services, user authentication and Google Sheets integration. Gsuite infrastructure processes some Eqtble email traffic and provides some email security services.

United States

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

AWS is a Cloud Service Provider. Eqtble uses AWS services for data storage, processing, and hosting.

United States

Service-Specific Subprocessors

Eqtble works with certain Third Parties to provide specific functionality. These Subprocessors access a restricted set of Customer Data, as detailed below:

Entity Name


Applicable Services

Entity Country


Eqtble uses Auth0 for user authentication and single sign on.

Core Services

United States


Eqtble uses Datadog for logging and operational activity message aggregation. Log records may contain user information.


United States

June Analytics

Eqtble uses June to provide analytics data regarding user's interactions with our service.

Markting, Analytics

United States


Eqtble uses segment to capture product event data.

Markting, Analytics

United States

Intercom, Inc

Eqtble uses Intercom to facilitate communications with, maintain information about, and collect publicly available information about our customers and users.

Marketing, Support

United States


Eqtble uses PostHog to provide analytics data regarding user's interactions with our service.


United States

Prefect, Inc.

Eqtble uses Prefect to orchestrate data extraction. Log records may contain user information.

Core Services

United States, Inc

Eqtble uses for CRM and may store and process user contact information.

Marketing, Support, Business Operations

United States


Eqtble uses Sentry for logging and operational activity message aggregation. Log records may contain user information.


United States


Eqtble uses Slack to communicate with team members. Slack may contain customer information.

Business Operations, Support

United States

Snowflake, Inc.

Snowflake, Inc. is a Cloud data warehouse. Eqtble stores customer's HR data in Snowflake.

United States

Stripe, Inc

Eqtble uses Stripe to collect and process credit card transactions and process purchase orders.


United States


Eqtble uses ZoomInfo for sales prospecting.


United States